The Light year One: Solar Powered car

Solar Powered car

The new Light Year Solar Powered car.

Imagine the prospect of not having to wait at a petrol or diesel station, a solar-powered car will not only save you money but time also.

The car can drive 450 miles with a single charge of 60KWh battery. Let us look at the benefits as well as downsides of this awesome car.

Efficient Solar Powered car

The roof of the car, the trunk, and hood are all solar panel layered. Also, the car is designed for ultra-aerodynamics. Additionally, the Solar Powered car looks like a sports car making it cool to drive. The car is made of carbon fiber and aluminum.

The car has less braking power, it is fast and has a big battery.

Designed for a Specific Niche

This is the first car of a series of cars to come. Lightyear One will cost you $165. 000, rumors are that new versions that are more expensive are coming.

For a person who has the money and likes to show their cars off, this might be good for you but it may be bad for those who cannot afford it.

But then again all the miles that you will drive the car without paying for gas will make up after a while.

The Lightyear cars are few because they are designed for a particular market.

Not for Long Distances

The Lightyear One is not designed for longer distances because of the 450-mile distance that you can travel and then recharge.

It is suitable for short-distance travel if you live in sunny areas you may have a little advantage but if not this might be a challenge also.

Ability to Charge Using Electricity

When you run out of battery while traveling, there is an option to charge it with electricity. You would not want a car that charges slowly while you are on a journey, fortunately, this Solar Powered car charges fast.  You can charge the solar-powered car 570km within an hour and 350km worth of energy overnight.

It Can Drive Itself

The car can drive itself for up to 725 kilometers. Meaning, you can even play real money online games in the comfort of your car.





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