Why ask Why?

Growing up as children, we were full of questions, all which seemed appropriate for that age. Asking why the sky is blue, why the grass is green, why we can’t see the air and a whole bunch of why’s that our parents could never really give us answers to. Today, we also have a “why” to ask, we want to know why ask why. What is it really that drives the human mind, even as children? Therefore, why ask why.

Why  Ask Why?

Why ask Why

Why ask Why

Psychology says that for children, asking why is something that is normal, which is why parents are able to tolerate them when they ask why. It shows that they are growing and growing up comes with curiosity, therefore for a young asking why is a means of them trying to understand the environment that they are living in, since their minds are still young they are still trying to get a a grip of their surroundings.

For adults however it is a very different story. There are several reasons for the concept of why ask why. Asking why for teens and adults is more of a way of trying to get things done. In most cases for adult asking why is a means to try and reason with you. Unlike  a child, who is curious about their surroundings, adults when asking why try to seek justification of their being there or they need a valid reason in order for them to understand, hear you out and even carry out the task at hand.

Below we shall state some of the reasons to the concept of why ask why in teens

  1. Too much work to do
  2. Seeking justification
  3. Looking for a valid reason
  4. Stubbornness
  5. Looking for purpose

Therefore, as you can clearly, asking why is part and parcel of who and what we are. the moment that we stop asking why,, we stop living as everything will now be mechanical. That being said, when some ask you Why ask Why? the simple answer is so that you are able to live.

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